Ethics in Development


North-South Institute - Conducts research on Canada's relations with developing countries and on a wide range of foreign policy issues. Aims to strengthen international development cooperation, improve governance in developing countries, enhance gender equality and increase development sustainability. Research projects focus on international financial issues; civil society; corporate responsibility and workers' rights; and gender issues.

The International Institute for Sustainable Development - advances "policy recommendations on international trade and investment, economic instruments, climate change, measurement and indicators, and natural resource management to make development sustainable. For development to be sustainable it must integrate environmental stewardship, economic development and the well-being of all people-not just for today but for countless generations to come." The associated Business and Sustainable Development website is designed for businesses interested in benefits arising from sustainability. The site map provides access to cross-industry initiatives and standards.

International Development Ethics Association -- a cross-cultural group of philosophers, social scientists, and practitioners who apply ethical reflection to global development goals and strategies and to North/South relations.

Canadian Council for International Co-operation


 is administered by Chris MacDonald (
"Applied Ethics Resources on WWW" was developed, funded, and maintained for nearly a decade as a project of the
W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics