Dr. Chris MacDonald's 

Bioethics / Health-Care Ethics Publications

"Bioscience corporations must do better at corporate ethics," (Guest Editorial) BioScience News & Advocate, April 8, 2004.

"Higher Standards for Privately Funded Health Research," Canadian Bioethics Society Newsletter, 9:1. February, 2004. [See the Abstract or download the Whole Paper (469k PDF file)]

MacDonald C. "Nanotech is Novel; the Ethical Issues Are Not" The Scientist, 18:3, February 16, 2004

MacDonald C. "Corporate Ethics in the Life Sciences: Can Bioethics Help? Should It?" HEC Forum, 2004. (in press)

MacDonald C. "Business Ethics 101 for the Biotech Industry," Biodrugs, 2004. 18 (2) 71-77. [abstract]

MacDonald C. Patents and Benefit-Sharing as a Challenge for Corporate Ethics," in Bartha Maria Knoppers, ed. Populations and Genetics: Legal and Socio-Ethical Perspectives. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2003. 505-523.

MacDonald C. "Will the 'Secular Priests' of Bioethics Work Among the Sinners?" American Journal of Bioethics, 3.02, summer 2003.

MacDonald C. Ethics In The Pharmaceutical Industry." Medical Science Liaison Quarterly Newsletter. 1:2, June 15, 2003.

MacDonald C. "Manners & Ethics: Is it Wrong to be Rude?"Newsletter of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (February, 2002)

MacDonald C, Ells C. "Organizational Ethics and its Implications for Health Care Organizations." Healthcare Management Forum, Sept. 2002.

MacDonald C. Stem Cell Ethics and the Forgotten Corporate Context, American Journal of Bioethics 2:1 (2002). 54-56.

MacDonald C. Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire? The Alternativization of Women’s Health. Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Vol. 35, number 1, February 2002.

MacDonald C. Treatment Resistance in Anorexia Nervosa and the Pervasiveness of Ethics in Clinical Decision-Making, The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (Vol 47, No 3 April, 2002). [on-line: HTML / PDF ]

MacDonald C. Commercialization of Genetic Services: the Role of Genetic Counselors, Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 8:1 (2002) 1-3.

MacDonald C. Relational Professional Autonomy, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, (Vol. 11 Iss. 3, July 2002, 282-289). [read the abstract]

MacDonald C. "Nurse Autonomy as Relational". Nursing Ethics 9:2. 9:2. (2002) 194-201.

MacDonald C, Williams-Jones B. Ethics and Genetics: Susceptibility Testing in the Workplace." Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 35, No. 3 (February 2002) 235-241.

MacDonald C. Sugar Pills vs Medicine: the Ethics of Placebo-Controlled Trials, Parkhurst Exchange 10:1, January 2002. 134.

MacDonald C. Review of Lori Andrews' Future Perfect: Confronting Decisions About Genetics. Heredity, 87:6. December, 2001

MacDonald C. Genomics have limited value, Parkhurst Exchange 9:12, December 2001. 23.

MacDonald C. Stem Cells: A Pluripotent Ethical Challenge. BioScan (Toronto Biotechnology Initiative) Vol. 13, Iss. 4, Fall 2001.

MacDonald C. Ethics of the unusual: Facing demands for unconventional treatment, Parkhurst Exchange, Vol. 9, No. 6, June 2001. 122.

MacDonald C. "Yes, Human Cloning Should be Permitted, Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Vol. 33, No. 7, 2000. 437-438. This paper has also been anthologized in Dialogues: An Argument Rhetoric and Reader, 4th edn, by Gary Goshgarian and Kathleen Krueger (forthcoming from Addison Wesley Longman, 2002)

Kenny N, Downie J, Ells C, MacDonald C. Organizational Ethics Canadian Style." HEC Forum. Vol. 12, No. 2  (June 2000). 141-148.

MacDonald C. "Clinical Standards and the Structure of Professional Obligation," Professional Ethics, Vol. 8, No.1, 2000. 11-17.


Letters to the Editor

MacDonald C. "An Organization's Failure to Learn is an Ethical Failure," British Medical Journal On-line (Rapid Response) May 22, 2001.


An Ethicsweb.ca website.

This site is administered by: Chris MacDonald (chrismac@ethicsweb.ca)